We’re proud to share that InnevAto EDU has been added to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers External Community Partnership List by the Ohio Department of Education! As a ...
📢 Don't miss out! Register today for our Dec. 2 online PD cohort. 🌟 Quality, flexible online courses for just $99! Topics include Mental Health & Wellness, Best Practices for Educ...
🚀 Prepare your students for a future in technology with UC's Early IT Program! Now enrolling for the Spring 2025 semester. For just $299 per student, this program includes a Teach...
We are proud to announce that Superintendent Dr. Marie Ward and Director of Applied Technology Jennifer Sayre will be representing Fairfield County ESC at the upcoming AESA Annua...
It's not too late to register for tonight's FREE Ask a Therapist Live! Got burning questions about parenting, relationships, or your child's well-being? Join us for the FREE Ask a...
📣 Interested in InnevAto EDU but short on time to browse the site? Check out our new podcast for a quick, comprehensive overview of the program! Then reach out to join our growin...
Got burning questions about parenting, relationships, or your child's well-being? Join us for the FREE Ask a Therapist Live with our renowned family therapist, Dr. Kevin Skinner. ...
What an incredible time at the OSBA Capital Conference earlier this week! We had a blast presenting 4 sessions and connecting with so many passionate educators at our booth. Than...
Intervention Specialists: Looking for a part-time, remote teaching position? Now hiring! Training and support provided. Competitive per student pay. Learn more and apply today! ...
Check out the Schoolwide AI National Conference next Tuesday 11/5 in Fairfield, OH. We’ll be presenting “Using Generative AI to Create Personalized Student-Facing Instructional ...
Attending OSBA’s Capital Conference Nov. 10-12 at the Columbus Convention Center? Stop by to see us at the Trade Show, Booth #1403! Meet the team, ask questions, explore our pro...
📢 Don't miss out! Register today for our Nov. 1 online PD cohort. 🌟 Quality, flexible online courses for just $99! Courses available for the November cohort: Mental Health ...
Parenting is tough! Join us as we partner with ParentGuidance.org ! FREE Ask-a-Therapist Live session this Wednesday, Oct. 23rd at 8pm. It is an anonymous, safe, reliable enviro...
Join us on tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 22 at the EdTech Leaders Conference held at Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center. Director of Applied Technology Jennifer Sayre and Coordinato...
✨ Get ready for Digital Citizenship Week, Oct 14-18! 🚀 Join us as we explore crucial topics for a safer and more positive online experience. Plus, free resources! 💡 Monday: ...
Parenting is tough! Join us as we partner with ParentGuidance.org ! FREE Ask-a-Therapist Live session Oct. 23rd at 8pm. It is an anonymous, safe, reliable environment to help you...
Got time this weekend? Check out our flexible $12 PD "Anytime, Anywhere" courses! 🚀 Earn 0.5 CEUs in 3 weeks, only 20 minutes/day. Learn about AI, Mindfulness in the Classroom...
Join us on Tuesday, October 22 at the EdTech Leaders Conference held at Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center. Director of Applied Technology Jennifer Sayre and Coordinator of ...
Register today for our next online PD cohort, which begins on October 1. Courses available for this cohort: Mental Health for Educators Embedding Mental Health Strategies ...
Looking for NCAA Accredited courses? We've got them! Our eligible high school courses in English, math, social studies, science, and Spanish are fully accredited by the NCAA, su...